Small Group Discussion Guide for February 21 2021

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Small Group Discussion Guide For the week of February 21st 2021

John 4:19-24

  1. Read John 4:7-15. Do you think that Jesus and the woman were communicating on the same level? Was she “getting” what Jesus was talking about?
  2. Read John 4:16-20.  It seems like the Samaritan woman was trying to change the subject in this instance.  Why do you think she wanted to do that?  Why did she change the subject to worship?
  3. Do you know anyone or have you ever met anyone who used conflict over worship as an excuse to avoid dealing with spiritual issues in their own life?  Have you ever done it? 
  4. Read John 4:21-24.  In this passage Jesus seems to say, “OK, if you want to talk about worship, then let me tell you what it really should be.”  Then he tells her that true worshipers will worship in spirit and truth.  What does it mean to worship in spirit? What does it mean to worship in truth?
  5. Which is more difficult for you personally; worshiping in spirit, or worshiping in truth?
  6. Read Matthew 28:18-20 (the Great Commission).  What is the difference in a disciple and a worshiper?  Should we make a distinction or is to be a disciple also to be a worshiper?

Pray this week – Lord, thank you for sending Jesus to make a way for us, so that we can come before You in worship and praise.  Teach us to be true worshipers.  Since, we know that is what you seek, that is what we desire to be.  Holy Spirit, show us what it means to worship in spirit and in truth. Conform our desires to your will, so that You will be glorified in us.  We live, we worship, we pray all in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading- Monday – Psalm 86:12

Tuesday – Hebrews 12:28

Wednesday – Revelation 4:10-11

Thursday – Psalm 5:7

Friday – Romans 12:1

Small Group Discussion Guide for February 14 2021

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  1. Read Ephesians 5:1. What are some of the ways that God shows his love toward us? What are some of the ways we show our love of God?
  2. Do you know anyone who was adopted? What is their relationship like with their adopted parents? How is it the same or different as our relationship with God?
  3. Being “imitators” of God can sound impossible. Yet, we are called to do it. What are some attributes of God that we can also have? Remember that God is Father, Son and Spirit. By imitating Jesus we are also imitating God.
  4. Read Ephesians 3:17-18. Have you ever had trouble “grasping” the enormity of God’s love? Paul says that we need power to grasp it. Where would you get that power?
  5. Do you, or someone you know, ever have trouble feeling like God could love you? Why would someone feel this way? What might keep you from feeling this way?
  6. Read Galatians 1:10. How are you tempted to please men (or women) and not God? How can we avoid that temptation?

Pray this week – Father, thank you for adopting me as your child. Thank you for loving me so much that you sent Jesus to the cross, so that I could have a relationship with you. Help me to imitate You in your holiness. And help me to love others like you love me. Father, I want to respond to your love by worshiping and serving you. Holy Spirit, help to do those things as I walk with you according to Your will. God, form me into a child who loves and pleases You.  Amen.

Daily Bible Reading-

Monday: Luke 10:27;

Tuesday: 1 John 4:9-11;

Wednesday: Romans 8:37-39;

Thursday: Isaiah 54:10;

Friday: 1 John 3:1


Dearly Loved Children – Identity Part Five

Members – Identity Part Four

Small Group Discussion Guide for February 7 2021

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Small Group Discussion Guide For the week of February 7th 2021

1 Corinthians 12:12-31

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 12:13. What does Paul mean by “we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body?” What Spirit is Paul talking about? What Body?
  2. The discussion of the Body in 1 Cor. 12:12-31 is in the broader context of Spiritual Gifts. Go back and read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. Focus on vs. 6-7. What does Paul mean by “common good?”
  3. What are some of the gifts God has given you? How might you use them to build up the body of Christ?
  4. Re-examine vs. 24. It says that God gives “greater honor” to the parts of the body that lacked it. How does God do that? How might we in the church give “greater honor” to those who don’t feel honored?
  5. Paul concludes this discussion of using our gifts in the body of Christ with his famous chapter 13 on love.  In the words of Tina Turner, “What’s love got to do with it?’
  6. Verse 26 of chapter 12 says that when one part suffers, we all suffer. And when one part is honored, we all rejoice. How are you at suffering with those who suffer and rejoicing with those who are honored? How can we do that better?

Pray this week – Holy Spirit. Thank you for giving me gifts to use in the church. Help me to use them in a way that builds up the Body of Christ. Help me to know what those gifts are, and how to use them for the glory of God and not for my own recognition. Keep me from causing division among your body. Let me play my role in the church with joy, loving my fellow members with the same love that you love me.  Amen.

Daily Bible Reading-

Monday: Romans 12:6-8;

Tuesday: 1 Corinthians 14:12;

Wednesday: Ephesians 4:7;

Thursday: Isaiah 11:2;

Friday: Hebrews 2:4


Small Group Discussion Guide for January 31 2021

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Small Group Discussion Guide For the week of January 31, 2021

2 Corinthians 5:17-21


  1. Think of the first foreign country that pops into your mind. Now, pretend you are the US ambassador to that country. What would your job description look like? How would you define your role? (do this exercise as an individual or group)
  2. Read 2 Corinthians 5:18-20. How would you define the “ministry of reconciliation?”
  3. 2 Cor. 5:17 says “the old has gone, the new is here!” When you become a follower of Jesus, what were some of the “old” things that left? What were some of the new things that came?
  4. A quote from the sermon, “It is the essence of the modern mind that the universe is meaningless and purposeless.” – W. T. Stace.  Do you personally know anyone who is without purpose, or lacks meaning in their life? If so, how might you use this passage to help them?
  5. In 2 Cor. 5:20 the NIV translates the word “implore.” Read that passage in as many versions as you can. What are some other words that are used in the place of “implore?” Paul is communicating a sense of urgency. Why do you think he is doing so?
  6. In your job as “ambassador with a message of reconciliation,” how are you performing? If you were to give yourself an annual review for the past year, how would you grade yourself? How can you improve?


Pray this week – Lord Jesus, thank you for making me a new creation through your work on the cross. Thank you for reconciling me to yourself. Help me to share your message of reconciliation with others who need it. Give me a sense of urgency in sharing your life-giving love with my friends and family. Amen.


Weekly Bible Reading-

Monday: Psalm 96:3;

Tuesday: Romans 1:16;

Wednesday: Philemon 1:6;

Thursday: 1 Peter 3:15;

Friday:John 3:16